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Moderate and Hard

This week, we will revisit counting and place value in two digit numbers. Click HERE if you would like to watch a a video to support you when explaining the concepts we will be covering this week. Each day, there is a video and activities to choose from.

Tip for parents...

In school, we use base ten (or dienes) when working with bigger numbers:

You can make your own base ten using Lego. This would be a good activity for your child to do before beginning these lessons. Just collect lots of blocks with two, four, six or eight circles and make towers of ten blocks. You will need a number of single blocks too. One of the lessons this week requires the children to use base ten. If you do not have Lego at home, click HERE for an interactive online tool.



Lesson 1 - Counting to 100

Year 1 - Week 9 - Lesson 2 - Partitioning numbers

Lesson 3 - Comparing numbers

Lesson 4 - Comparing numbers

Day Five

Now use what you have learnt this week to tackle the challenges below. Remember that you can rewatch the videos to remind you of what you know. 
