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Week 8 - 20th May

Dear Children, 


We hope you have all had a fabulous week and have enjoyed your home learning tasks. It is great to see your work on the Keeping in Touch page. 


As it is half term next week, we will not be setting work for the week. We hope that you spend the week enjoying the lovely sunshine and relaxing. Try to spend some time having fun in the garden, or bake some tasty treats and make sure you regularly go for a nice, long walk for some fresh air if you can. 


If you feel you would still like to complete home learning tasks next week, then please choose a task that you have not completed from one of the previous task overview sheets on the website. You can also find alternative activities on the BBC Bitesize website.  


After half term, we will be updating the website with more home learning tasks, messages from us to say hello, recordings of us sharing more stories and we will upload more videos to help you with your work. 


Remember, you can still keep in touch with us, and share what you are doing over half term, by asking your parents/carers to email us at


Make sure you are being helpful to your parents/carers at home and have a lovely half term break! 


We are all missing you lots. 

Mrs Sanderson

A Daily Challenge for the Holidays

Your challenge should you wish to accept it...


We would like you to do one good thing for someone else every day during the holidays. You could do one of the following from the ideas list or something different. 

  • Wash and dry the dishes
  • Lay the table for tea
  • Empty the bins in the house
  • Help your adult write a shopping list
  • Tidy something away that is not yours to help out
  • load the washing machine
  • Help with the gardening
  • Wash the car or your bike
  • Help someone else in the family to do something they want help with


Remember to smile and ask what you can do to help them. This makes a massive difference and you will feel good about yourself.


Happy helping  angel

Some ideas for half term

You could try this Year 4!

Hello Year 4,


Trying something new!


If you would like to do something a little different over the half term why not try to something new each day and keep a scrap book of what you have done. This could be something you have never done or experienced before like cooking cup cakes and decorating them. It could be you learn a new game with your family like chess or try a different sport like playing hop scotch. It might be that you want to record the different types of birds that visit your garden or draw all the different flowers you see on your walk. When you are home you could try to name the ones you don't know. 


What ever it is have lots of fun and be adventurous!


Year 4 Team

