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Geography at Balksbury Federation promotes a curiosity about the world and its people. Through a carefully planned curriculum, our aim is to equip children with the key skills they need to succeed as geographers on their journey from Year R to Year 6.


Children start their geography journey in Year R learning key positional language and basic map skills and end Year 6 with the ability to carry out their own geographical investigations and with a breadth of locational and place knowledge.


We are proud to say that geography lessons at Balksbury Federation are exciting and are always planned around the current interests of the children. We ensure that children have the opportunity to access the outdoors, particularly when taking part in fieldwork, and develop a respect and interest for the natural world. Our curriculum ensures that key skills are built upon topic after topic and year after year. By the time children leave our federation we hope they achieve a lifelong love of geography, our world and everything in it.



Geography Intent, Implementation, Impact Statement

Geography Overview

Progression of Knowledge and Skills

If you would like a copy of our Progression of Knowledge and Skills for Geography, then please do not hesitate to contact one of our admin offices.

Balksbury Federation’s Choir Singing the 7 Continents Song

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