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At Balksbury Federation, we strive to support all our children to enable them to make good or better progress and we believe passionately in the importance of inclusion and equality for all of our children.  


We believe that an effective federation is an inclusive one.  We recognise the need to implement our ethos both inside and outside the classroom. We want our children to be safe, enjoy education and grow so they become successful adults.  We value high quality teaching and learning and ensure we provide this for all our children.


Where our children have additional needs, steps will be taken to prevent these from becoming a barrier.  Through this action, we believe our children regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, special need and background will receive an equal opportunity to progress and fulfil their potential. We are committed to ensuring that our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.



We understand that each child has individual and unique needs.  However, some children require more support than others to achieve.  We recognise that children learn at different rates and that there many factors influencing progress including ability, emotional state, age and maturity.  Therefore, we acknowledge that some children may need a little extra support for a short period, or for longer periods of time.


With support from the SENDCo, all the class teachers are responsible for providing a curriculum that is suitable for all the children in their class, including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND).



We have a SEND team of support assistants, whose role (under the direction of the SENDCo) is to support children with additional needs across the federation.  They will support children to access the learning in the classroom, as well as deliver specific interventions and/or therapy on an individual or group basis.  This Team around the child approach is effective in ensuring a child with SEND has the all the support and interventions they need to be able to access the curriculum.


Additional information on this can be found below in our SEND Information Report, SEND policy and Equality policy.


What if I have a concern about my child?

Our staff are committed to caring for and helping children in every way possible.   Nevertheless, as a parent it is natural that you will worry about your child. Should you have a concern, you are invited to approach your child’s class teacher to discuss the matter informally through our open door policy.


Special Education Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) 

Our SENDCo is Miss Sarah Bodinham

We are committed to responding to your SEND worries and concerns quickly.  If you wish to talk to Miss Bodinham, then please make an appointment. You can contact through either of the federation’s school offices:

Infant School:  01264 352801

Junior School: 01264 365642


Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Governor
Our SEND Governor is Pat Bunche  

She keeps up-to-date with the school by visiting on a regular basis.  


