Infant Section 5 Summer 2022
Infant School Ofsted Single Subject History Deep Dive
Junior School Report October 2019
Please find below links to both the Infant and Junior School Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables. The Infant School was last inspected in 2008 with an interim inspection in 2011. The Junior School was last inspected in 2016.
Since the new leadership was formed in spring 2019, we have risen to the challenges of the new inspection framework. As part of our School Improvement Planning cycle, we develop a whole federation strategic plan which is reviewed on a regular basis across all levels of leadership including a Governor Focus Group, and pupil voice.
We welcome feedback from parents and encourage you to use Parent View on the Ofsted website. Periodically, we ask parents to complete internal surveys and provide feedback.
Please click here for the last Infant School report.
Please click here for the last Junior School report.