Keeping in Touch
This page is now closed - it holds messages and examples of work from our families during the first Covid-19 lockdown 2020.
Fantastic work. Well done
An amazing Viking boat
More super work!
Pond building during lockdown
We thought it would be nice to share with you the pond Jamie made at the start of lockdown. We collected frog spawn and put in it and local pond plants. The pond is now thriving and the frog spawn is now tadpoles that are starting to grow legs. We feed them with boiled white fish and boiled lettuce. They seem to really love it.
Jamie is really enjoying watching how it is evolving.
What a fabulous newspaper report on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
Fantastic work creating a working volcano and learning about the different parts of a volcano in year 3. Well done!
What a lovely poem called Snakes Can't Jump by Evelyn
My son is back in school in Hedgehogs 1 and is SOOOOOO happy to be back!!! The school have done an absolutely outstanding job in making a safe environment for the children to come back to!! The individual big hula-hoops for them to sit in for Year R was a genius idea!! I have subtly (and not so subtly!) been bragging to friends and family about how incredible Balksbury Federation have been throughout this entire pandemic; from the moment it started. Miss Thompson has been such a strong leader, who we all have 100% confidence in and a legend with writing letters to the children throughout lock-down. I know a lot of my friends with little ones at other schools sadly do not feel the same about their Head Teachers.
I just wanted to pass on my thanks and praise for the year R transition information so far; my son's experience has been different to my daughter due to our current situation, but he is no less excited. The PE kit is being worn very proudly around the garden in mock lessons and he has watched the video numerous times.
We have also been delighted with quality of work for my daughter and the key worker school experience. We have always loved the community feel of the school; that has certainly been tested and proved to be outstanding.
I just wanted to pass on my thanks and praise for the year R transition information so far; my son's experience has been different to my daughter due to our current situation, but he is no less excited. The PE kit is being worn very proudly around the garden in mock lessons and he has watched the video numerous times.
We have also been delighted with quality of work for my daughter and the key worker school experience. We have always loved the community feel of the school; that has certainly been tested and proved to be outstanding.
A lovely poem by Emma
My poem
I will put in my box
A stare, from the deadliest werewolf,
A blazing, lava red feather from a kinda hearted Phoenix,
And a twilight shy of twinkles from a fairy.
I will put in my box
A powerful roaring shark, erupting from a waterfall,
A gentle, twinkling snowflake from Mount Everest,
And an angry, devastating volcano.
My box:
A glistening cube made of sparkly seashells, and perfect pearls, The background sprinkled with the finest sand.
Baking, making firework pictures and a trip to Blenheim Palace
Ally's beautiful handwriting
More gardening efforts
This Looks Interesting! Well Done Ranush!
Improving Gardening Skills - Great Work!
Fabulous Cooking, Baking and Making! Well Done!
The results of a very first fishing trip!
There have been some great magnet investigations happening in Year 3.
Some super work on 3D shape sculptures!
Another Fabulous Example of Community Spirit!
Fabulous Community Spirit!
A Massive Thank You To The PTA
Thank you so much to the PTA who sent hampers of goodies for all the staff yesterday to both schools. What an amazing selection of treats. From all the team at the federation we thank you enormously for your kindness.
Another Lovely Tudor Rose - Well Done!
A Forest Adventure
An expedition to the forest where we talked about colours, what lives in the forest and which animals are nocturnal. We then found lots of branches and built a den and decided one was a broom stick and she was the witch from Room on the Broom. We did lots of counting while building too.
A lovely Tudor Rose
Wyatt's super animal creation poem
Well done Tia! A beautiful Tudor Rose
Thank you from the team here at Balksbury
Thank you for all your messages of thanks and support this week, we have been swamped. All your words are much appreciated. Here are just a few examples:
We appreciate all the hard work you have all put into getting the children back
I know you're all swamped so I'll keep it short .... thank you for, well, EVERYTHING
Well done for all the work that has gone into getting the children back to school safely
Thank you to all the staff for the support you have given us parents during the closure - we couldn’t have done things these past few months without it
We have been really impressed on how Balksbury Federation has been really positive and upbeat about children returning
Well done. Awesome Koala Fact Sheet!
Fabulous Maths Work!
The Baking Looks Scrumptious!
Wonderful Egyptian Artwork! Wow. Well Done Charlotte!
Fantastic Work. Well Done You!
More Fab Work
Fabulous Great Fire of London Project! Well Done!
A message from a Year 6 parent:
Dear Miss Thompson, The Leadership Team and Teachers,
I just wanted to say a big thank you for keeping us as parents informed and up to date with information and developments. It is clear that there has been a huge amount of thought, consideration and careful planning to try and keep the children and teachers safe while getting them back in to school at this time.
I think the children have been well supported with work and activities should they wish to engage, there has been regular communication issued to parents and a dedicated email address for us to communicate; the whole situation and process has been brilliantly managed.
So from one happy parent, thank you to the whole school team.
Kind regards
Largest Online Art Class!

How lovely to see how somebody is celebrating his birthday at home. A message to his teachers:
Dear all teachers,
I am not in your class room,but your are in my heart teachers. I miss you all.but having fun at home with my family.
stay safe ! see you soon !
Dear all teachers,
I am not in your class room,but your are in my heart teachers. I miss you all.but having fun at home with my family.
stay safe ! see you soon !
Fantastic Maths Work. Well Done.
Superb Artwork! Well Done!
Thank You Kien and Taiya! Wonderful Messages!

Lovely to hear such kind words. Thank you.
Cooking Up a Storm! Well Done!
Wonderful Messages. Thank you to both of you in Year 6!
The Murray's have welcomed a new student to their 'Home School'. His name is Rex - how sweet!
Another Fab Dream Catcher! Super Work!
Lovely To See A Happy, Smiley Face! Well Done!
Amy from Year 5. Super Work! Wow!
Wow! Two Tiered Planter - A Carpenter In The Making!
Thank you to everyone who has shared work this week. We have loved receiving emails from you all and we look forward to receiving more next week. If you haven't shared work with us yet, please ask your parents/carers to email your work to so we can share your work with your teachers and also, we can put your work on the website for others to enjoy and be inspired by!
Have a lovely weekend!
Learning New Skills! Well Done Isabella!
A Beautiful Art Creation by Taiya, Year 5. Objects collected from Rooksbury Mills
Fantastic Work by a Year 2
Brilliant Book Reviews written by Year 6
Jake's Gripping Story. An Enjoyable Read!
Brilliant Research across the Federation! Very Interesting!
Excellent Design and Technology Work! Well Done!
Samuel's Beautiful Poem
The Fairy Garden Grows
Hi Miss Thompson
I went with Mummy and my little brother to see how our fairy garden was doing. Look how much is there now! I'm really proud of myself because it's making lots of people happy! I've even seen that some of my friends from school have visited it which has made me feel really good.
I hope you're ok
Josh in Year 5 received an email a few weeks ago telling him his 500 word story had made it through to the next round. The BBC received nearly 135,000 entries from which they selected 5,000 that were sent to the Reading Agency for judging and whittling down to a final 50. Unfortunately, we had an email today to say his story didn't make it any further, but to have been one of the 5,000 out of 135,000 entries is an amazing achievement I think! Attached is his certificate for the first round of the competition. We're very proud parents!
Josh's Certificate
Good things happening!
From Year R Children and Families

Myself (Leighann), Emma, and Hayley (her brother edited the video) have been organising a video for you teachers and the students at the school to say thank you for all your hard work and thank you for all you do. I know all the children are really missing you all and us parents are so greatful for all you do and we cant wait to be back to normality. As parents we can't thank you enough for the support and the constant communication and reassurance for the children
Here's a message from the Year R children and families to make you smile. We would love to say a massive thank you and miss you to the teachers of Year R in particular. They have been so sweet sending videos - very emotional to see! So we would like to return the favour and make them smile.
Big hugs and best wishes. Stay safe and we will all be back together soon.
Leighann (Joshua & Faith's mum), Emma (Ashleigh mum) and Hayley (Lola mum) xx
Miss Bolton Loves Abba

Teaching Mummy to Dance

Lots of Things Happening
Daily Globe Newspaper
Great Work
I have to say I have always admired teachers and the way you teach different years/age ranges but in the time we've had at home, I have a whole new respect for you all. I really don't know how you do it with the amount of children and different abilities.
Thank you so much for the music video with pictures you uploaded. It was very moving. What a fab morale boost.
Jacob's Ant Farm.

Staff Video
We had just watched the video from the teachers which we loved and really wanted to express our thanks with the way the federation is responding to this very difficult time. We appreciate all the hard work that is being done to ensure our children are still able to learn even though it is remotely.
Mrs Holloway Leads The Dance

The Dancing Woodhams

Mrs Andrew's Household Dancing

Super Things Happening
Great Work With A Great Effort
Tut Times
The Egypt Daily
Kangaroo Life Cycle
Rainbow Mobiles
These rainbow mobiles were made by key worker children in school. They collected sticks, and painted them.
Thank you for your efforts in keeping the website loaded with content. We are managing to have variety in our tasks each day.
Thank you for keeping us all up to date with developments and to the teaching staff for putting together resources and tasks, it's a real help and most appreciated.
Learning About America
Great effort with making totem poles
Lego Bugs
Dear Mrs Farrell
I made Lego Bugs because you sent me Bug Science animal sheets.
Art Set by Year 5
This collage is to share with Mrs Conner, Mrs Gynn and Mrs Wilkins. It was made using different coloured cardboard cut up and is of a Sloth.
Home Schooling Teddies
Creating a Fairy Garden
All about Florida - Great Project
Great Reading
There has been some amazing work going on in the Year R outside area. The fence has been moved and the benches have all been repaired.

Amazing Work
Thank you to Jeremy Board and his staff at Waitrose and Partners who sent in key worker children and staff Easter eggs last Friday to brighten up everyone's day in these challenging times.
It certainly did that, thank you.
Good Afternoon to all at Balksbury.
Thank you for your letters over the past couple of weeks, both Oliver and Evie loved listening to what Miss Thompson had to say to all the children. Is lovely to know they are all still being thought about during this time. We found the jokes very funny by the way!
To all the amazing teachers and staff
I just wanted to say from the bottom of my heart thank you for opening Balksbury and looking after key worker's children. It is such a brave and remarkable thing to do.
Hello Balksbury
And a special hello to Miss Nield and Mrs Morgan.
Thomas is missing his teachers and his friends very much but is definitely enjoying showing mummy and daddy how clever he is with his school work.
Hello to Balksbury
Just to say home schooling has been going well in particular we have loved that they can access new books on the Collins Big Cat site! Def thumbs up for that. The work on the year group pages are brilliant too and have kept the girls interested and wanting to continue to work. Thank you for everything you’ve been doing and thank you for giving me the opportunity to stay at home and keep my family safe.