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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 2024-2025

Click on the crayon to find a booklet all about your new year group.

What Will My Child Be Learning This Half Term?

Friday 24th January 

The week began with a game of handball. In PE we have been learning the rules and skills for handball; we had the chance to play a mini match this week! For our indoor PE sessions, we have continued with gymnastics and focused on mirroring our partners. The routines and skills that were showcased were impressive!  In Geography, we learnt all about volcanoes and the ring of fire! To show our newly learnt knowledge, we made a volcano chatterbox! To finish our week, we got a bit messy with clay. We explored manipulating clay to make something inspired by nature. Our outcomes were fabulous! 

Friday 17th January 

The week began with becoming actors! The children created a short video to show how it would feel to walk into Medusa's lair. I think we have some actors in the making! In PE we have been building upon our knowledge of gymnastics and learnt about inverted movements. Each child worked together in small groups to showcase a mini routine, which showed off the newly learnt skill. It has been amazing to see children's confidence grow in creating these routines. 

Friday 10th January

Year 5 have settled back in well after the Christmas break. Our week started on an adventure with Grandpa and Tony. In Geography this week, we completed our field work investigation and explored the safest places in the school if an earthquake were to occur. We also explored percussion instruments to kick start our music for this half term. 

Friday 20th December 2024

Just like that, the Autumn term comes to an end. Over this term, we have covered many topics like the Ancient Egyptians, Mountains, Space, Forces and many more! The Year 5 team would like wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in 2025...

Friday 6th December 

This week, we have had lots of fun finishing off our History unit, we finished the topic by producing an information text about why the Egyptians were so successful. At the beginning of the week, we became detectives and were tasked with solving a 3000 year old crime. Four tombs in Egypt had been robbed and we had to replace all the artifacts that had been taken in order for them to go to the afterlife. This task was not to be taken lightly - it was a very serious investigation. We are looking forward to all the activities in our final week of the term. 

Friday 6th December 

This week, we have been focusing on measurements in our Maths lessons. We have had the opportunity to explore the different types of metric units of measurement that we use and investigate around the classroom, measuring different objects and converting them. We have also had a great time perfecting our street dance routine... we can't wait to perform the final piece. In geography this week, we were lucky enough to explore the different artifacts that were discovered by Howard Carter in Tutankhamun's tomb. It was very interesting! 

Friday 29th November 2024

It's the one... the only... it's Christmas Jingle week! This week, we have read several chapter of the book 'The Untameables' and followed the rebellious adventure of Roan and his friend Elva. We have also used this develop our knowledge of punctuation such as: colons, semi-colons and dashes. In Maths, we have been learning how to add and subtract fraction with different denominators. For the Jingle, we have made individually decorated baubles, multi-coloured pompom reindeers and Christmas Eve wish bracelets!

Friday 22nd November 2024

This week, we went on an adventure to Winchester Science Museum! We explored the galaxy through their planetarium, learnt about how light moves from infrared to ultra-violet and experienced a variety of incredible scientific experiments - what a day! There was even some snow on the way there. Back in school, we have discussed the difference between wants and needs and what we would do if we won £5000. 

Friday 15th November 2024

What an exciting week we have had in Year 5! In history, we were visited by Openbox who taught us lots of wonderful things about Ancient Egypt - such as the name of their paper being PAPYRUS!! We also went down to Year 1 to share some books and read with the younger children. In Maths, we have been exploring equivalent fractions as well as converting between improper fraction and mixed numbers. In English, we have begun our planning for Lost Thing diary entry, where we will find something that doesn't quite belong.

Friday 8th November 2024

Our first week back after half term and what a week it has been. In History, we were visited by Howard Carter! He gave us a message written in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and asked us to translate it for him. In Maths, we began looking at fractions by cutting up pizza and strawberry laces into equal parts and comparing the fractions.  In PE, we have started playing hockey; we have learnt how to dribble and push pass so far.

Thursday 24th October 2024

What a fantastic start to Year 5 we have had! In Maths, we have explored the four operations and how to apply them to real world problems. In English, we have created non-chronological reports about our very own stinkwarts - some of them are remarkably odd! In Geography, we have made relief maps, which speak pre-recorded facts when certain points are pressed. In Music, we have created our own performances using music from some of our favourite musicals. In French, we have learnt how to discuss what pets we have as well as playing some French games! We were also lucky enough to have the Fire Service come in to talk to us about how we can prevent fires and what to do if one occurs. The Year 5 team hope you have a restful break ready for Autumn 2.

Friday 18th October 2024

The penultimate week of our first half term has come to a close. In Maths, we have been learning about short division. In English, we have been planning our non-chronological reports about our stinkwarts. In Geography, we used salt dough to create our own relief maps of the Himilayas.

Friday 11th October 2024

6 weeks of our first term completed! This week, we have explored the tallest peaks in the UK and have learnt about topography - we even drew contour lines on potatoes! In English, we have: hunted for Stinkwarts, described them and learnt how to use colons in a list. In Maths, we have consolidated our knowledge of long multiplication. Some of our Year 5 boys represented the federation in a football match against St John's, winning 6-1! 

Friday 4th October 2024

This week, we have been putting our skills to the test in English as we have written a setting description of a narrative. In Maths, we have begun to conquer long multiplication and, in Health and Wellbeing, we have discussed anger and how what strategies we can use to help us process it. 

Friday 27th September 2024

We are officially half way through this half term! This week, we swam in torrential rain for our last session of the calendar year; these will continue in the summer term. In Maths, we have been learning about factors, multiples, and prime numbers and how they are related. In Music, we have been performing snippets of our own musicals using well-known songs. We also had the opportunity to read with the wonderful Year 3 children.

Friday 20th September 2024

Week 3 is complete! Although we were graced by some exceptional thunder and lightning, we managed to stay dry when learning about football in PE and how to move in order to be a more effective pass. In Maths, we consolidated our knowledge of column addition and subtraction. In RE, we discussed The five pillars of Islam and how they impact a Muslims life.

Friday 13th September 2024

As the second week of the year comes to an end, we have settled into Year 5 life. In Maths, we have focused on rounding and have used the new playground to our advantage. In English, we have looked at varying sentence structures such as compound and complex to describe oceanic images. In PE, we have begun our football module developing our skills on moving the ball in a variety of ways.

Friday 6th September 2024

A new year has well and truly begun! This week, we have begun to learn the new routines Year 5 requires. In Maths, we have been learning about place value and the importance of a numerals location. In English, we have explore complex sentences and the structure they must follow. In Health and Wellbeing, we discussed the word 'Yet' and how important it is to be ambitious. What a fabulous start to the year!

Have a look at what the Year 5 children got up to last academic year (2023-2024)...

Welcome To Year 5

Friday 12th July 2024

The penultimate week! This week, Year 5 have been learning about reading and using timetables in Maths. In English, we have been considering how characters would have felt after the death of Romeo and Juliet. We have also hosted our annual Swimming Gala, where the children produced an excellent display of swimming techniques.

Friday 5th July 2024

STEM Week!!! What an incredible week it has been! A Federation-wide project named 'Mission to Mars' combined all year groups in producing an aspect of a mission to Mars - ours was Mars rovers. We created wooden frames and circuits to all the buggies to move independently. We also created some artwork about the first female computer programmer Ada Lovelace. Using Green screens, we became scientists in our very own laboratories producing marvelous experiments. We as the Year 5 team are very proud of all the hard work the children have put in this week and hope they are inspired to maybe one day go to space!

Friday 28th June 2024

During this week, we have continued exploring reversable and irreversible changes in Science by separating several materials. In English, we have produced our balanced arguments - should Romeo and Juliet get married? We also went over to John Hanson for a taster morning where we took part in a variety of lessons and activities!

Friday 21th June 2024

What a brilliant week! With Sports' day at the end of the week, preparation began early with children completing a variety of sporting events. This included sprinting, lacrosse, badminton, and cricket! As well as these sports, the children completed their regular learning. In Maths, we completed our measurement topic. In English, we began to plan our balanced arguments about Romeo and Juliet's betrothal. 

Friday 14th June 2024

This week in Maths, we have finished our work on fractions for the year! In English, we have considered whether Romeo and Juliet were truly meant to be or were they doomed from the start - this is leading to us writing a balanced argument. In Music, we have been looking at the song Shosholoza and the music from Africa. 

Friday 7th June 2024

What a wonderful first week back! In Maths, we have continued our learning about fractions - how to add, subtract, and multiply them with whole numbers. We have begun to learn about Romeo and Juliet in English and how Shakespearean people would have spoken. In Science, we have begun learning about reversible and irreversible changes. 

Friday 24th May 2024

We are officially half way through the summer term! This week we have developed our knowledge of improper fractions and mixed numbers in Maths. We have also written wonderful biographies about paralympians. In music, we have performed our remixed versions of 'Somewhere over the rainbow'. The Year 5 team hope you have a lovely half term and look forward to seeing everyone back afterwards.

Friday 17th May 2024

What a wonderful week we have had! Our first swimming sessions of 2024 took place with some excellent swimming skills being shown. In English, we have developed our knowledge on the variety of past and present tenses. In Maths, we have considered the value of digits within a decimal number. In PE, we have played our first game of rounders. Next week we will be competing in the Balksbury Year 5 championship.

Friday 10th May 2024

With week 4 coming to a close, we can look forward to a sunny weekend! This week in Maths, we have been solving problems using the four operations, factors and multiples, and cubes and squares! In English, we have analysed the biographies of some inspirational people such as Arunima Sinha and Terry Fox. We also managed to take the learning outside for Free Reading Friday! 

Friday 3rd May 2024

We are already 3 weeks into the Summer term and it has flown by! This week in English, we have completed our final diary entries which has included: magical crayons, kind kings, and purple dragons! In Maths, we have been learning about addition and subtraction words problems as well as decimals in Mini Maths. We have also developed our coding knowledge in computing.

Friday 26th April 2024: Week 2


What a brilliant week we have had! This week we have been looking at Roman Numerals in Maths; written diary entries using complex punctuation in English; and been painting in different styles in Art. Scan the QR code to watch some of our presentations in Science. 


Friday 19th April 2024: Week 1

What a start to the Summer Term! In Maths, rounding was the focus for the week where we wrote number line on tables to help us demonstrate our thinking. In English, we read our new text driver 'Return' and used our inference skills to consider how the characters were feeling. In RE, we began to discuss what a sacred place is to us and what they may be for different religions. 

Friday 29th March 2024: Week 6

We can't believe Spring term is over - what an amazing term it has been! This week, we enjoyed playing some matches in tennis so we could combine all the skills we have learnt over the last 6 weeks. We look forward to the Summer term! 

Friday 22nd March 2024: Week 5

This week has been our favourite yet! The highlight of our week was cooking spaghetti bolognese in D&T (we loved having a second lunch!). We got to see the seeds we planted in Autumn had grown into salad, which were able to enjoy with our spaghetti bolognese. In Music, we performed our vocal and body composition pieces - follow the QR code to watch. In P.E, we enjoyed practising a volley with our partners. We had a special visitor this week and thoroughly enjoyed having Test Valley Brass in for a taster session. 

Friday 15th March 2024: Week 4

This week has been full of reading! From reading about Mount Versuvius in Geography to performing poetry in Guided Reading! We love Free Reading Fridays the most in Year 5 - we love to sit with our friends and enjoy a good book! 

Friday 8th March 2024: Week 3

We had a wonderful week this week! We absolutely loved World Book Day, especially reading with the Year R children. We loved creating Mothers Day cards too. In Maths, we enjoyed measuring objects around the classroom to convert between different units of metric measure. 

Friday 1st March 2024: Week 2

What a week! A highlight of our week was using the cameras in Computing to try out different camera angles, we had so much fun being creative. In Geography, we made mini volcanoes so we could demonstrate our understanding of the key features. Our learning journey in Guided Reading working with the book The Station Cat has come to an end but we loved creating our own version of the cat, as well as performing some of the text (follow the QR code). In Maths, we learnt about volume using multilink. 

Friday 23rd February 2024: Week 1

The first week back has flown by! We started our Human Life Cycle unit in Science by researching the six stages and creating a poster with our teams. In English, we discussed and evaluated some sentences, and we applied our knowledge of relative clauses to edit them. We enjoyed learning about videos in Computing, we're excited to see how to create an effective video to eventually create our own. 

Friday 9th February: Week 6

We cannot believe it is the last week of term! We loved seeing everyone in their wonderful Greek costumes! We had the best day participating in Greek cooking, the Olympics and making our own masks. 

Friday 2nd February 2024: Week 5

This week we have loved using the greenscreens in English to demonstrate show not tell emotion through facial expressions and body language. We got to create our Hundertwasser houses with clay this week - we can't wait to paint them! In Science, we tested everyday materials to identify their properties and most suitable uses. In Music, we used the glockenspiels to improvise our own blues music. 

Friday 26th January 2024: Week 4

Wow - what a brilliant week! We really enjoyed our investigation to determine whether tinfoil or felt was a better thermal insulator in Science! We learnt about the Battle of Marathon in History and we had to order key features of the Ancient Greeks from most important to least. In P.E, we practised different rolls on the mats, focusing on slowing down to gain control. Lots of us loved painting our nature themed tiles, we cannot wait to create our Hundertwasser houses! Using the glockenspiels in Music is always a great way to finish our week!

Friday 19th January 2024: Week 3

This week, we have thoroughly enjoyed developing skills to manipulate clay to create a nature inspired tile. We cannot wait to create our Hundertwasser inspired houses. In Guided Reading, we learnt all about the fable of King Midas and the golden touch - we even played a game of fact finding bingo! In P.E, we continued to develop our balances, focusing on technique this week. 

Friday 12th January 2024: Week 2

This week we have had lots of fun in Music learning how to play a chord on the glockenspiel. In History, we looked at artefacts from Ancient Greece to try and find out more  about life in the ancient civilisation. We found out that Ancient Greece has influenced many areas of society today, including sport and entertainment!  

Friday 5th January 2024: Week 1

First week back! We have had so much fun this week learning all about Greek myths and legends - we visited the Tipi to hear a few of the most famous fables. In Maths, we have been developing skills to estimate and measure angles. In History, Year 5 began learning about Ancient Greece by mapping out the key events of the Greek civilisation on a timeline. We also enjoyed exploring symmetrical and asymmetrical balances in gymnastics this week. We were so excited to find out that in Computing this term we will be coding programmes to run circuits! We got to create a circuit this week to make a sparkler flash different colours!

Friday 8th December 2023: Week 6


We all had a lovely lunch time today sharing our Christmas Lunch whilst listening to Christmas songs. This week we have also been finishing our DT projects of using mechanisms to create a pop-up book and we are sharing them with the children in Year One next week. In Science, we learnt about the orbit of the Moon and we went onto the playground to demonstrate this using different sized balls to represent the Moon, Sun and Earth. We have also performed in Balksbury Come Dancing and we can't wait to share that with everyone at home soon! 


Friday 1st December 2023: Week 5


This week, we have continued to practise our dance for Balksbury Come Dancing and we are looking forward to sharing with our families soon. A group went to John Hanson to take part in the Andover Schools' Hockey Tournament and played very well.


In Geography this week, we have been looking at topography and the highest mountains in the UK. We located them on maps using atlases then using potatoes, drew the contour lines onto the map to show the height and steepness of the mountains. 

Friday 17th November 2023: Week 3

This week we have continuing to look at our Solar System and ordered the planets in relation to the Sun. We discussed the sizes of the planets and made them using plasticine. In Geography, we enjoyed visiting Mount Everest on the Virtual Reality Headsets and found out lots of interesting facts about it. 

Friday 10th November 2023: Week 2


This week in Year 5 we have been very busy creating our Christmas cards and learning more about space! We have also been writing some brilliant poems about the light using figurative language- we hope you enjoy listening to some of them! 

Friday 20th October 2023: Week 7 

We have completed our first half term in Year 5! All the staff in Year 5 are so proud of how hard the children have worked over the past seven weeks and they have all settled in to their new classes and routines so well. We have enjoyed learning about the ancient Egyptians, forces and drawing using perspective in Art. 


Enjoy your half term breaks and we look forward to seeing you all in a weeks time! 

Friday 13th October 2023


Over the past few weeks, we have been learning all about the ancient Egyptians. We have had a visit from Open Box; learnt about the ancient Egyptian social classes; and more recently, mummified a tomato in the same way that the Egyptians mummified people. We enjoyed learning about the process of mummification and look forward to seeing what has happened to our tomatoes after we have left them. 

Friday 6th October 2023: Week 5


This week we have enjoyed showing off our hockey skills in P.E. when playing matches against each other and  making music by reading and writing musical notations. We had two visitors in to speak to us about how to ensure we are being kind to all and how the law protects us. 

Friday 29th September 2023: Week 4


During our Science lessons this half term we are look at different forces and this week we investigated water resistance. We had to make different shapes out of play dough and then see how their shape changed the speed at which they travelled through water. We are really enjoying all the practical opportunities we have had during this unit of Science!

Friday 22nd September 2023: Week 3


We started this week with a visit from Open Box which we all really enjoyed. We learnt a lot more about the Ancient Egyptians and had lots of fun too! In Science, we carried out an investigation into how the size of a parachute effects the speed at which it falls. We made parachutes and then tested them, counting the time in which they fell to see the effect air resistance has on different surface areas.  

Friday 15th September 2023: Week 2

This week we have been learning about air resistance in Science and had a great time on the playground experiencing the effects of air resistance using parachutes before planning our own investigation. On Thursday, we were able to enjoy the swimming pool and everyone was impressed by our wonderful swimming skills and we used different materials to create tone in Art.  


Friday 8th September 2023: Week 1


What a lovely week we have had to begin Year 5. We have been able to spend lots of time outside looking at information about Leonardo Di Vinci in Art and making memory sticks as one of our Wellbeing activities as we begin our new year together. We are so proud of how well all the children have done this week- they have quickly settled into our new classroom routines in a such a polite and mature way. Well done, Year 5!!

Friday 7th July 2023: Week 5

Arts' Week! 

We have has such a brilliant week taking part in workshops around the federation and completing all our Arts' Week activities. Our work has been focused around that of Henri Cartier-Bresson, a french photographer. We really enjoyed our visit to John Hanson to take photos and then editing them using a software on the computers. 


We hope you enjoyed seeing our work at The Arts' Festival. 

Friday 23rd June 2023: Week 3


Sports Day was a lovely way to end another busy week in Year 5. This week we have continued our DT work on bridges by making truss bridges using spaghetti and been writing as different characters from Romeo and Juliet. We hope you enjoy having a look at some of the pictures from this year's Sports' Day. Well done, Year 5: we were so impressed with all your hard work today and also the kindness you demonstrated towards each other.