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Home Learning

Home Learning at Balksbury Federation

What is Home Learning at Balksbury Federation?

Home Learning refers to activities given to children by their teachers to be completed at home within a set time. We have previously referred to this as 'home work' 


Home Learning activities will show progression from younger to older children.  The emphasis is to consolidate work that children have been doing in class and support families in keeping in touch with what their child is learning.


Learning tasks are set for each half term. This is so that our families have greater flexibility on when they complete tasks but are able to remain a key partner in the education of our children and have quality family time. A grid of activities is uploaded to Google Classroom for Reading, Maths and Spelling.




Reading as an essential element of every child’s home learning. We recommend that children read to an adult or sibling every day. In addition to this, the half termly reading home learning grid will provide further ideas to challenge and motivate your child. In Year R and Year 1, materials are shared weekly on Google Classroom so that children can practise at home the new sounds they have learnt. 



We use the online platform ‘MyMaths’ to provide opportunities for children to practise the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their Maths lessons. Families are able to choose from a number of tasks and complete these at their own pace. These tasks support children to consolidate learning which has already taken place. 



From Year 1 to Year 6, over the first two weeks of every term, children are assessed on their spelling of the National Curriculum spelling words. The words they find hard are sent home for them to practise on a regular basis. This personal list is updated at the beginning of each term. Each half term, we share lots of great ideas for how you could support your child in practising their spellings. 

When is Home Learning Set? 

Home Learning goes live on Google Classroom on the first day of each half term. 


Non Completion of Home Learning

If a family disagree with Home Learning, they should place in writing to the Headteacher that their child will not be completing the homework alongside the reason why; this can then be kept in the child’s school file.  If children do not complete homework, then a discussion will take place between the classroom teacher and family, and children will be given time within school to complete.  Extensions will only be given where a reasonable explanation has been given.


Monitoring Home Learning

Homework will be monitored on a regular basis by class teachers.


Feedback to Children

Children get instant feedback with My Maths and Times Table Rockstars as this is built into these programmes. Teachers use these results to inform planning.  Phonics Home Learning is made up of consolidation and practise activities, therefore, a child will receive direct feedback in phonic lessons. 


Should Parents Help Their Child With Home Learning? 

Home Learning allows a family to see what a child is doing in class and to support their learning.  This partnership between school and home is a vital part of successful education.  We take the view that children are likely to get more out of an activity if parents get involved – as long as they do not take over too much.  If you are unsure about how much help to give, you should discuss it with your child’s teacher.  They will be pleased to see you and will help you to get the balance right.  

