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This week, we will be working with 1p coins in order to practise counting, adding and subtracting. 


Day One

Use a 1p coin and a crayon to make coin rubbings. This will help your to recognise the size and shape of the 1p coin which will benefit them later when recognising different coins. Try making lots of rubbings and then cutting the coins out. How many can they make? Ask them to count. They could stick them down on to card from a cereal box and before they cut them out to make them easier to pick up. If you do not have access to lots of 1p coins, these will come in useful this week.  


Day Two

Set up a shop with objects from around the house. Toys work well for this. Label them with amounts of money up to just above the number that your child is confident counting up to. Take turns to be the shop keeper and count out 1p coins to buy items. You can use the coins from yesterday if you do not have enough 1p coins. To make this activity harder, ask your child to choose two items and count out the coins for each. They can then count the total number of coins to find out how much the two items cost altogether. 


Day Three

Reinforce yesterday's learning by playing a game below. Click HERE and choose 1p coins to play a game with amounts up to 10p. Click HERE to play a game with larger amounts (you can select the number your child is confident within). There are different coins in this game but you can pay with only 1p coins. 


Day Four

Today, if your child is ready, you could move on to counting pictures of coins using the activity below. This can be a hard concept. To support your child, you could encourage them to tick the coins they have counted so that they do not count them more than once. If it is still a bit tricky, they could place the coins from Day One over the coins in the pictures and then pick them up and move them in order to count them

Day Five

Today, let's use our counting skills to add amounts of 1p coins. Use the activity below to count the number of coins in each piggybank and then write the total below the piggybank. You will find two pages with different challenge levels. Work out how much money there is in each pair of piggybanks and write the total in the box between them. You could do this by simply counting all of the coins. If you feel your child is ready, they could try 'counting on' from the bigger number. HERE is a good video which shows this technique.

To challenge your child further, you could encourage them to record their calculations as a number statement, for example: 3 + 2 = 5. 
