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Moderate and Hard

Day One

Watch the video to revise the 'oa' sound and then practise reading words containing this sound by reading the story below. 

Geraldine the Giraffe learns oa

Day Two

Revise how the ow grapheme can make the oa sound and then practice writing oa and ow words using the activity below the video.

ow for oa sound

Day Three

Watch the video to revise the oe grapheme and then practise writing some oe words in the activity below. 

Phonics 'oe' sound

Day Four

Watch the video to revise the o-e split digraph and then practise writing o-e words using the activity below. 

Geraldine the Giraffe learns o-e

Day Five

Watch the video below with all the oa graphemes. You will see sometimes the letter 'o' makes the oa sound in words. For example: go, no and hello. Then practise spelling words with different oa sounds in the activity below. You will also find some games to play.

oa ow o oe - Alternative Spellings
