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This week, we will revisit counting and place value in two digit numbers. Click HERE if you would like to watch a a video to support you when explaining the concepts we will be covering this week. Each day, there is a video and activities to choose from.


Tip for parents...

In school we use base ten (or dienes) when working with bigger numbers:

You can make your own base ten using Lego. This would be a good activity for your child to do before beginning these lessons. Just collect lots of blocks with two, four, six or eight circles and make towers of ten blocks. You will need a number of single blocks too. One of the lessons this week requires the children to use base ten. If you do not have Lego at home, click HERE for an interactive online tool.

Day One

Today, practise counting as high as you can up to 100. Often when children struggle, it is because they are not confident with the next number when the ones digit is 9. For example, 19, 29, 39, 49 etc. You can provide a 100 square to support them and often seeing the number written down enables them to see patterns which help them to count. 


It can be fun to count steps while out on a walk, railings on fences, or bricks in a wall. Below are videos that the children enjoy counting along with in school.



Day Two

Today, count up from zero using a 100 square and pointing to the numbers. What happens when we get to 9? Why do we now have numbers with two digits? This understanding is key for children. A good way to develop this understanding is to practise counting in groups of ten and ones. 


Give your child a number of small objects. Buttons, raisins, 1p coins or small stones work well for this. Explain that when we get to 10, the number is so big that we have to put it into a group. You could give them a muffin tray for this and show them how to put ten in each space with some left over. For example 23 would need two spaces in the muffin tray for the tens and then the three ones would go in their own space. We would tell the children '23 is two groups of ten and three extra ones.' They can count in tens and ones in order to count the number of objects you give them, e.g. 10, 20, 21, 22, 23. Start with numbers between 10 and 20 and only move on to bigger numbers once your child is confident. 


HERE is a good video for numbers up to 20.


HERE is a catchy song!

Day Three

Play the game below. You can choose the numbers for your child to work with on the first screen. 


Place Value Basketball

Day Four

Today, if your child is confident with the activities from yesterday, you could move on to missing numbers in counting sequences. Print the activity below and cut the 100 square up so that you can give your child the numbers with which they are confident. For example, if they are confidently counting up to 20 then just give them the first two rows. Below the activity you will find a game. They will need to use a 100 square to help them with the game and they may need one to help them with the activity. 


Day Five

Today watch the video and tackle the learning challenges below. 
