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Moderate and Hard

Day One

Today we will work on ordering numbers. You can choose the challenge level below the video depending on how confident your child is feeling. For the harder challenge. give your child the 'child sheet' then read out each of the statements in the top part of the 'adult sheet'. Your child should cross out the numbers which do not fit with the statements and will only be left with one number if they do so accurately. Once you have read the top part. Read out the bottom part asking your child to check the number that they have left does fit the statements. If your child makes a mistake, you can work out what their misconception might be by asking them why they think what they think.

Lesson 1 - Ordering Numbers

Day Two

Today, watch the video and then all children should practise the skills  covered in the video by using the main activity below. This will ensure that they have a good understanding of all of the concepts which are covered. There is also a further challenge using the same type of activity as yesterday.

Lesson 2 - Recognising Coins

Day Three

Again today, watch the video and then all children should practise the skills  covered in the video by using the main activity below. This will ensure that they have a good understanding of all of the concepts. There is also an additional challenge if your child would like to dig deeper and develop their understanding further. 

Lesson 3 - Recognising Notes

Day Four

Again in the main activity today there are skills and knowledge that all children should practise. You will also find an additional challenge.

Lesson 4 - Counting Coins

Day Five

Choose one or more of the games below to practise the skills you have learnt this week. 
