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Week 9- 01.06.2020

Hi Everyone,


Hope you had a lovely half term break enjoying the wonderful weather we had and getting up to lots of interesting activities while staying safe. 

Our topic is moving on from The Romans and onto the geography themed topic of Italy. We have many exciting activities planned for you over the term including some opportunities to learn a little Italiano! We look forward to seeing what you get up to so please do keep us updated through the keeping in touch email.


Missing you all, 

The Year 3 Team

English - This week we are going to start looking at Non-Fiction writing using the story 'Big Blue Whale'. All the activities are in the one document so work through it at your own pace.

Reading - read the text about the Colosseum to answer the questions. Also, choose your own book to read and write a book report about it. You can use one of the templates below to help you.

Spellings and handwriting - we are going to look at the 'uh' sound spelt 'ou' this week. Write a list of all the words that you think fit this sound. The wordsearch and handwriting sheet will help get you started with some ideas. See if you can include some of these words in any writing you do to practice spelling them.

Maths - This week we are looking at 3D shapes. Here are some activities on properties of 3D shapes.

Science - This term we are going to look at forces! Take a look at these activities to learn about friction.

Geography - This term our topic is all about Italy. Read through the information and have a go at creating your own presentation or fact sheet about Italy. If you aren't sure where to start, there is a template for you to use.

Design Technology - This is a fun challenge building structures from spaghetti and marshmallows! How strong will your structure be?
