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Week 6

This week, the maths activities are split between 3D shapes and position and direction.


3D Shapes 

BBC 3D Shapes Song

Activities include going for a 3D shape hunt around your home, learning about the properties of 3D shapes for example: 'how many faces does a cube have?' 'How many vertices does a pyramid have?'

The 'Everyday 3D Shapes' ppt PDF runs through where your child might have seen these shapes before so this might be a good starting point. 
Alongside the Week 6 pdf of activities, there will be a few other extra activities that you might want to have a go at such as 3D shape colouring or making your own 3D shape animals. Perhaps you could try and make your own? 


Position and Direction 

Position and Direction song

Activities in this part of the week include recapping and learning about position (where things are) and direction (how things move/turn) and this includes learning about half turns, quarter turns and three-quarter turns. 
Attached is a 'Quarter and Half Turn' Powerpoint PDF to share with your child to support this learning. Find ways to keep recapping it at home e.g 'turn your dinner plate a quarter turn.'


Perhaps become robots for the morning and give all instructions with position and directional language!


The week finishes with creating a map to make a route for a lego man or doll. Be creative as you like! We would love to see what kinds of things you come up with. 

