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Week 14- 06.07.2020

Kids Zumba for Isolation

Have a look at this wonderful Zumba video for children from a personal trainer in Andover.

English - This week we are going to do some story writing linked to a video clip called Marshmallows. Once you have watched it have a go at the activities to get you ready to plan and write your own story. Once you have planned it using the story board, write out your story using lots of descriptive vocabulary and different sentence starters.

Marshmallows short film

Reading - We are looking at an extract from The Big Book of the Blue Whale for guided reading this week. Please use the link to have a look at a free sample of the book. Everything you need to complete the activities is in the documents for you.

Audio link for reading lesson 1

Easier Reading


Maths - We are continuing to look at data handling moving on from tally charts to looking at bar charts. Have a go at the Premier League Activities linked to reading and creating bar charts. Watch the video using the link below before starting.

Easy Maths - Here are some activities on pictograms and some number bonds work

Handwriting - Here are some more handwriting sheets to practice your handwriting.

Geography - This week we are going to be looking at Italian Food and designing our own pizzas - you may even want to use your DT skills to have a go at making it!

Learn a little Italian by watching this video.

Science - Have a go at this interesting activity exploring solids, liquids and gases.

Art - Here are a couple of fun art activities for you to try. You can have a go at one of them or both.
